These intimate words, an open diary on self-analysis into the creative process, are opinions that come to light in the middle of creative work, which start out as simple notes written hastily on papers that “run around” my studio-workshop and over which I later reflect, meditate and rewrite so that they become clearer, firstly, for the benefit of my own conscience, and consequently, for the future reader who wishes to share them.
It is the painter and poet who express and blend their experiences and thoughts aloud to refine them. Understanding one’s work is fundamental and is part of the work itself. How can an artist “be separated” from their work?, while the act of writing impels you to comment on issues and aspects, that perhaps, if you did not, would be passed over. On the Homepage I comment: “it is not only the artist’s work that makes him capable of assuming this category, but the process of conscious introspection of each step and cycle.”
I hope the preparation of this Index will give order to and make the search for concepts more efficient. Once in the topic chosen by you, you will find texts starting with an asterisk in parentheses (*), they are new entries on the same topic that I add successively, when I have an intuition and discover different aspects about it. I would be delighted to receive your opinions and suggestions via email (art@riberaturu.com).
In the text in English, in spite of only having translated the titles to English, the texts appear in Spanish. Undoubtedly, it is our intention to translate them progressively.
I wrote the original text in my native language and as my nation, Catalan.